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Traveling Light

This morning I find myself at yet another airport - three actually by the time my travel is done.

I am pleasantly surprised by the below-average crowds in Charlotte today. I also enjoyed interactions with all the American Airlines personnel I've connected with. They love the positive thought cards I bring and the reciprocal goodwill always makes for a good start to any trip.

Last week, I had a funny experience while waiting to go through security for my 5 AM flight out of Orlando. MCO is decidedly not my favorite airport. It's usually crowded and often chaotic due to all the kids hyped up on going to or coming from Disney. Even at 3:30 in the morning, this was the case. 

However, rather than a lot of movement, everything was at a standstill. This included the TSA precheck line I was in. I knew there was plenty of time to get to my flight, but the couple behind me was not so sure and was complaining....about everything.

As we stood there, I paused for a moment to look at something nearby or maybe my phone. At that very moment these two men - probably a father and son about 75 and 40 - casually cut in front of me and the forty or so people that I could see behind me. Ummm, ok.

It was early - way too early for a confrontation. Really for me, most anytime is too early to have words with line jumpers. So I made the choice to be amused by this audacious move and chuckled to myself.

By contrast, the complainers behind me were NOT happy! Immediately the grumbles started and I realized they were not isolated to the line jumpers.

It went something like this:

"Well, that's just rude. The line starts back there," he said. 

"Yeah, well that's what happens when you leave a gap like that," she replied.

"Right?! If that happened to me, I'd definitely be saying something."

Again I had a choice. I could be offended by the smack-talking, or I could maintain my sense of amusement. So I turned around and joined their conversation.

"You know, I look at things a little differently. When someone cuts me off in traffic (said loudly as I looked at the 2 men), I look at it like my guardian angel is stepping in to keep me from being in an accident. Or if another driver pulls in front of me and slows me down, I believe my angel is making sure I get to my destination to meet someone at exactly the right time. Maybe today I was supposed to meet you!" 

The couple and their teenage daughter were stunned, to say the least. However, they relaxed a bit and we had a pleasant conversation. By contrast, the two line-jumpers uncomfortably shuffled in place while carefully examining the lint in their pockets.

Finally, the line started moving. As we got closer to the security desk, I had an urge to give the family some positive thought cards. Again, they were taken aback, but each drew a card. One by one they read the quotes and remarked about the photos, asking me if I was famous. Then as they told me about their Caribbean destination, I suggested maybe they would take a photo on the beach, think of me, and maybe a quote they liked.

"Oh yes. We could put it with a Bible verse!" she said.

"That would be perfect," I replied, noticing the major shift they were all having from being the complainers they'd been only moments before.

At about that time, the two line jumpers had the realization that they were in the wrong security line and left, which I found quite amusing. In the end, they did not slow us down one bit and created a quite memorable airport experience.

I have no idea why it all happened. I'd like to think I gave the Carribean-bound family a new perspective and moment of light to carry with them or reflect on in the dark morning hours. Regardless, my choices kept me feeling light, happy, and satisfied in the moment and for the rest of my travel day. 

PS...Gen Xers - remember Flo's famous phrase, "When pigs fly!"?

In my world, the whole statement is "When pigs fly...there are a lot more smiles at the airport!" Figlet is the perfect travel companion. No complaining and she is an awesome travel pillow:-)

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