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Cut the Complaining: Day #4

Cut the Complaining. “If you don’t have anything good to say, don’t say anything at all.”

I won’t call yesterday a failure on no complaining, but it is more of a success on the “not making excuses” front. I didn’t feel good most of the day but still helped my neighbor by walking her dog at lunch. I also made it to a workout with my personal training appointment at the end of the day. In between I did some work and took a nap. At the gym, I told my trainer I was not feeling my best and asked for a workout adjustment. I went to the source who could provide a solution, had a good workout, and left the gym feeling better than when I started.

Looking back on our conversation, I realize I did share some less-than-positive comments and opinions about doctors which might have actually been complaints. As one who has often been given the diagnosis of “we can’t find anything wrong with you/don’t see any reason for you to feel this way” I am less likely to seek out medical care than I once was. After years of hearing my massage therapy clients express frustration about not being heard and having my own pain issues fail to be helped by many traditional medical interventions, I have some skepticism. Though I’ve thought of my views as “opinions,” I realize in expressing them, I may have come across as a complainer. That is something I will have to examine a bit, especially as I face how I deal with my current issues.

Side note related to meditation. My trainer had me do 2 minutes of plank at the end of my workout. Struggling through the last 30 seconds or so, I thought it would be a perfect time to use my mantra for focus. But…what was my mantra?!! My mind was totally blank save for the effort of trying to hold my position. I could not think of any of the mantras I’ve been using. (Aha! Maybe the key to emptying the mind is doing planks!) Finally, “Sat Nam” popped into my head, which means “I am truth.” Grasping the phrase between gasps of breath, I said it silently for the last few seconds. What a funny experience!

If you want to do a plank “meditation” this is my preferred style.

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